Chief Meteorologist Says There is a "Heightened Threat for Flash Flooding."

Chief Meteorologist Says There is a "Heightened Threat for Flash Flooding."


The weather seems to be at its moody worst this summer – bright and warm one second but a torrential downpour the next. How can you even begin to prepare for these sort of conditions?

According to the latest long-range forecast by The Weather Network, conditions this summer will be quite unpredictable – with stark differences to be observed throughout the country.

Chief Meteorologist Chris Scott predicts that the wet weather experienced in Ontario during the month of May will continue during the summer months. Flash flooding will likely be an increasing worry for many residents if that turns out to be true.

He further states that the southern part of the region especially will experience heavy periods of rains – exceeding the average precipitation levels for the area. It turns out this might be a summer of raincoats and umbrellas rather than one of patio drinks and beachwear.

According to Scott, the persistence of the wet weather throughout the summer months will mean a “heightened threat for flash flooding.” Flash flooding is especially dangerous because of how sudden and treacherous it can be – things can go from pleasant to destructive in the blink of an eye. 

Furthermore, Scott pointed to extreme weather conditions such as the Toronto flood in July 2013 and the Burlington flood that occurred a year later as examples of the kind of weather that can be expected this summer.

This means that this summer especially will be a time to ensure that your coverage is not only relevant but comprehensive. For many people, it is no longer a case of if they will need their coverage but rather one of when they will need it.

As the summer rolls in, flooding emergencies continue to pop up – despite the receding levels of water in parts of Ontario’s cottage country.

One such area that is expected to be hit with this weather is Muskoka – with increased water-levels already in lakes Rosseau and Joseph.

Though Ontario will provide disaster recovery assistance for residents that live in the Muskoka region, victims of flooding are being warned about the risk of mould. To regular readers of this blog, this will come as no surprise as we recently covered this topic. It is important now, more than ever, to safeguard your property against water-damage.

If you would like more information about how to properly protect your property from flooding and water-damage, contact one of our licensed brokers now at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 905-696-9090.


Sources: Canadian Underwriter, The Weather Network

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